Upload data
Batch geocode lists of addresses to latitude/longitude or reverse geocode lists of latitude/longitude
Uploaded spreadsheet must be readable, not empty and be encoded using UTF-8, if you expect to get clear geocoding.
Enter file name and paste data above.×Data is retrieving. Please wait. -
Setup data
Select type of geocoding and define column names
Street Address Latitude & LongitudeLatitude & Longitude Street AddressHint
Select the columns that contain street address, city, state, zip, country. If you don't have data for some column, leave it empty. If all your data is in single column, select it as street address and leave all another columns empty.
Select the columns that contain latitude and longitude. This must be two separate columns.
Few rows of data for preview map
Please select valid data for geocoding, check type of geocoding and if first row is header.× -
It's a sample of how your data is geocoded
Address Latitude Longitude -