Upload data
Batch Distance Computations based on Latitude/Longitude
Uploaded spreadsheet must be readable, not empty and be encoded using UTF-8, if you expect to get clear distance calculation.
If you need to calculate distance between addresses - you should convert them to latitudes and longitudes before that. You can do it with our Batch geocoding tool here
Enter file name and paste data above.×Data is retrieving. Please wait. -
Setup data
Select data grouping, define column names and select additional settings
Individual latitudes & longitudesGrouped Latitudes & LongitudesHint
Select the columns that contain latitude and longitude. Each Latitude & Longitude of Origin and Destination is in an individual cell (must be two separate cells).
Select the columns that contain origin latitude & longitude and destination latitude & longitude. Origin/Destination (Latitude and Longitude are separated by space in a cell).
If you need some additional settings - contact us
Few rows of data for preview results
Please select valid data for distance calculation, select data grouping and if first row is header.× -
It's a sample of how your distances are calculated
Origin Destination Distance () Time (min) -